Date women from United States / Alaska / Ketchikan, 57 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am very energetic, fun loving and enjoy traveling but also statying in and making a good dinner also going to moives and diners. I am looking for a very caring person who wants to enjoy life and explore the world with.

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I appreciate intelligence, spirituality, humor, generosity, and kindness in people, and hope that others find those qualities in me. I would like someone who has a wide variety of interests, a good sense of humor, a mature view of the world, good work ethic, spiritual but not religious, and who realizes life is short so let's have some fun. Would like to travel, so someone who enjoys leaving home and also enjoys coming back. Non-judgmental and not prejudiced is very important, as well as good overall ethics. Reasonable fitness level (no exercise freaks)and overall good health are appreciated. Not into illegal drugs, excessive alcohol, or smoking. Would like to find someone to show me the benefits of living in beautiful Alaska!