Date women from United States / Alaska / Haines, 69 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I would be described as honest, fair, hardworking, comical sense of humor, laughing with people never at them. I am grateful to have gotten to this age in pretty good health and having enjoyed the work I have done throughout my life. I recommend eating dessert first , particularly Strawberry Shortcake, my favorite! My favorite quote is from John Wayne " Courage is.....being scared to death and saddling up anyway..." Everyday I want to do one thing I have not done before, some things are little, and some are quite big, like skydiving.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I seem to follow the "road less traveled" that has taken me to amazing places and many adventures a long the way. Seeking partner for the remainder of the journey who would love to spend time in my beautiful community in SE Alaska during the long midnight sun days and then head to warm and sunny destinations when the snow flies and dark descends. Also open to other possibilities. Seeking healthy,spirited individual who can communicate and has something to say. One who has passion and compassion and follows a "path with heart". I am independent and know how to take care of myself however sharing life's adventures is icing on the cake. I value time with friends and family as well as my peace and solitude. My journey is no longer trying to get somewhere but just want to enjoy the ride wherever it takes us. Keeping balanced physically, mentally and spiritual are important to me and hopefully would be to you also.