Date men from United States / Alaska / Eagle River, 62 year old

Date someone special from Eagle River, United States. I'm a high energy, hard working, fairly intelligent simple guy who has been very fortunate in my career and can hold my own fairly well in the kitchen. I really enjoy life and put a lot of effort into making the best of it.

Meet single man from Eagle River, United States. I;m a hard worker. love to do anything on the drop of a dime. love the outdoors and anything to do with it. loves animals. Love hunting fishing sports like football and hockey, I.m not sure on what I want in a relationship at this time until I get over everything

Date a soulmate from Eagle River, United States. Looking for someone who enjoys outdoor activities. In the summer, I like to fish, boat and camp. One of my greatest pleasures is rafting, single-day floats on the Kenai to multiple day trips on the Gulkana. I've floated the Kobuk and explored some of the rivers in Southwest Alaska. I have also kayaked some, bluewater, but not that much in the past few years. My summer projects are working on the cabin I put up on property on the Kashwitna River in the Mat-Su valley. In the winter, I enjoy snowmachining, ice-skating and hockey, the later more as a spectator now that my son isn't around to drag me out to play pickup with him. I am a Seawolf season ticket holder, but not a big Aces fan. I like cross-country skiing and recreational dog-mushing when I can find someone who will let me drive a team. My cultural tastes are eclectic. I like a broad variety of music: classical, good old fashioned rock n roll, reggae, bluegrass zydeco, jazz, and the list goes on. I enjoy reading, again with pretty eclectic tastes (lately Russian literature and history). I like live music, the Anchorage Symphony, and good theater when it comes to town.As I said above, someone interested in outdoor activities. Beyond that: stable, happy with themselves and others, easygoing, patient, independent, bright, a solid sense of humor about the world and themselves.