Date men from United States / Alaska / Chugiak, 55 year old

Date single man from United States. I like to spend time doing the things that she likes to do and same for myself even it's just hanging. I like her to be herself, be happy, nothing to hide,maybe grow on each or just connect and seewhat happens

Meet a soulmate from United States. I love to hear wolves howling, even if they are just sled dogs. My favorite sound is the call of the loon.
I am looking for someone to listen to them with me.
I am neither a neanderthal or a wimp. I am open to many types of personalities, but I am sort of a traditionalist. Trends are not my thing, but I am open to new experiences. I am trying to find a woman who is plain speaking and tells me what she wants because I am no mind reader.
Since you only live once you might as well enjoy it and share it with your best friend.
I want to share my life with an easy going gal who shares my interest in the outdoors (or at least understands it) and likes to snuggle by the fire or hit a fancy eatery or just a hole in the wall with great food. .
I am living on my CA police retirement at the moment and am on a budget but have land for sale in CA which which is my real nest egg.
I was born in Hawaii but haven't been there since I was 2, where my father was stationed in the Navy, so I hope to see it as an adult with someone I care for. I used to scuba dive and still enjoy snorkeling. l"d love to do this on a tropical reef with someone I care about. I enjoy hiking and river running and hope she does too. Love aquariums.
I share my life with my Labrador Retriever who is my best girl at the moment.
I was introduced to the outdoors as a kid and enjoy teaching kids to fish and hunt safely, which I think builds character and self reliance, as well as self esteem. Although I hunt I can look through the scope and just "count coup" as well. I have camped, hunted, fished, and had a ball from SE to the AK Peninsula. Hope to do more of that, but I'll
live if that doesn't happen.
I also like quite times and just need a break from exercise for a day or too. I got sort of chewed up by a drunk during a pursuit but try not to slow down too much.
I love Alaska summers and fall and tolerate the winters. I have thought of moving to the southern Rockies in Northern New Mexico, or maybe Arizona, but am not set on the idea.
Although I was hurt at work I am still mobile and hit the trails in the Chugach Mtns. I usually do this about three times a week during the summer. In the winter it's push ups and the treadmill, but I still layer up and do some trail work.
When my land sells in CA I hope to build a log home with a den to keep my "man stuff" in so I can turn the rest of the house over to my girl to decorate as she wishes. Got to have a fireplace though. Wood stove would work.
I don't spend all of my time outdoors, and love a good movie. I can go the romantic comedy route or the adventure/ science fiction genre and almost anything in between. I just saw "Evolution" and "The Big Empty" and lol'd.
I can cook too. I make wild game taste great, and am good on the grill. I make great spaghetti, stew, and even have a bread machine.
I enjoy reading, and have my own library of books which I reread every once in a while I hit the used book store. I like the new ones I get a hold of as well.
Let's have some fun, and temper it with some bit of down time.