Date women from United States / Alaska / Akiak, 35 year old

Date someone special from Akiak, United States. about me? right now i'm teaching in rural alaska. i live in a remote village with my dog, dakota, and my two cats. i'm from northern california but i plan on staying in alaska....somewhere. i'd like to see more of it before i settle down. i am funny, or at least i like to think so. i love to laugh and sometimes i think life calls for a little silliness. sometimes, you just have to laugh at what life brings you. me? i fell in love with a puppy and it ended up being a GIANT malamute puppy and 25 pounds at only two that's funny! i love to read and am very into watching movies. i grew up with two brothers and i've grown up with comic books, star wars and other sci-fi i do speak "geek" rather well. ;)
i'm looking for a man who is basically a good person. someone who's not into a body image or think that walking skeletons are sexy. a sense of humor is probably a must, oh, and so is a job. other than that, i want someone who i can be myself around, makes me feel beautiful, makes me laugh, someone who's company i enjoy, and someone i would be proud to introduce to my friends.
if you are still reading my intro at this point, i'm not one of the crazies, i might be a little quirky from time-to-time, and i'm definitely not boring (i mean, i teach in a remote village, how boring can i be??). there you in a nutshell.