Date men from United States / Alaska / Akiak, 63 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Graduated with my Ivy Degree...and after dalliance with Law School, started my own business. With an artist flair and sense of style, my ever growing start up (wasn't a term then!) is a reflection of my skill set and remains a challenge and a joy. It's a true blessing when you do not consider what you do "work"...and I am blessed in that regard. I am involved in design and producing consumer products.
Maybe you own some???
My community efforts used to be in the arts but are currently focused in the Jewish Community. I have held positions in our Federation, am involved with Friends of the Israel Museum, AIPAC, MEMRI, MEF, JINSA, Gatestone, Eye on the UN, and I'm Turzu. I am currently Chair of a $22M Jewish HHS agency.
I am a family man with 3 wonderful children. (22 - 19 - 17) College HS Grad off to college this fall HS Senior (last at home). Great kids that keep me young! I look forward to sharing my future with a warm, supportive participant and partner to enjoy the arts, travel, great food and drink and especially great times with our families.
I am currently a multi-location person: main residence in Moreland Hills, Ohio (Cleveland suburb) pied-a-terre in Manhattan (Midtown East) and showroom on West 34th - vacation home in German Colony, Jerusalem My son (Senior in high school) lives with me, and is last one in the nest. He will be home for another 9 months of schooling. After that time I will have even more flexibility.