Date men from United States / Alabama / Talladega, 64 year old

Date a soulmate from Talladega, United States. Now that I have entered into my sixties, the past is behind me and the future looks bright as I adjust to the reality of retirement. Blessed with good health and a hopeful attitude, I anticipate many long and productive years ahead. It is true for those us who have arrived at this juncture in life, the best is yet to be. And much of the potential magic of our journey is tied to that "special" person who walks with us.
I could elaborate on what I think is an ideal match, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes opposites attract and sometimes those with common interests are drawn together. I do know that it will take time to decipher the emotions that often swirl around a new relationship. To separate infatuation from genuine chemistry and attraction has proven to be a challenge for me. Consequently, I am open to a variety of possibilities, tempered by caution.
The truth of the matter is that I can live alone and enjoy life quite well. Yet, my desire is to multiply the joys of my life by sharing them with one who accepts me as I am. At the same time, the challenges of life are met with greater confidence when two supportive and loving people face them together.
Five factors that I keep in mind when reading profiles are: is there a genuine spiritual dimension evident in the profile; does she convey a positive attitude about life; has she put some serious thought into what is written in her profile; has she included an updated picture;is she within my stated age-range? By no means am I a religious fanatic, but faith is essential to facing the realities of life. As for a positive attitude, I try to live life with the belief that it is not what happens to us but how we react to what happens that makes all the difference in the eventual outcome. Third, I know that it takes some patience and thought to paint a picture of oneself, but if this process of dating is taken seriously, I believe we must provide enough information to minimize the uncertainty that surrounds reaching out to strangers. In regard to pictures, though physical attractiveness is not the most important quality, a nice variety of photos enhances my desire to look further. And, please, if you plan to meet, post a couple of fairly recent photos. Last, I am truly interested in meeting someone who is within the age-range I posted. Yet, I do not rule out those who may be older and take pride in their physical appearance and vitality. But, I am definitely not interested in meeting anyone more than 8 or 10 years younger.
The importance of a genuine Christian commitment cannot be overstated. As you will read in the additional information, I am open to exploring avenues of Christian ministry. I am stating this desire in order to dissuade anyone who could not chart that course with me. Yes, I do realize this post will severely limit responses. At the same time, hopefully, those who make the effort to connect are truly interested.
To those who have read this discourse all the way to the end, I thank you for taking the time to do so. For some reason I tend to doubt that many read all of it. Yet, I want to add just a few more thoughts. I try not to allow distance to affect my hope for a genuine connection, but my experience tells me to be realistic. At the outset, the "chemistry" may not always be apparent and the necessity of embarking on long weekly treks to meet a few times to test the waters can be discouraging, unless of course both parties are totally smitten from the moment their eyes meet. How 'bout that statement for conveying a deeply romantic side!! As for education, I am by no means extremely intelligent, just a country boy from a small town who has worked hard to make the most of my opportunities. So, please do not be turned off by my educational background. Last, I am really a fun guy!!!