Date women from United States / Arizona / Williams, 50 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a happy person, most of time. It takes a lot to make me mad but when I do, I am not real pleasant. Wow, that doesn't sound real positive huh? Actually, I love to laugh and like to make people laugh, or hopefully smile.
I am grateful for most for my children. I do have two at home and if I had a chance to do my life over, I wouldn't. My past has made me the person I am and I really do like me. I even make myself laugh when I'm alone.
Just so you know, I do cry at Hallmark commercials and I even cried when I first saw the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch. I thought Stitch was dead. I believe everyone should cry and all you tough guys, it's ok to cry, and to wear pink cause men look sexy in pink. Well thats about all I would like to share at this time.