Date men and women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 72 year old - page 2

Date men and women from Arizona, United States. I want to just enjoy the remainder of life. No real dramas, but having fun, & enjoying people, life & things. Being respectful & accepting of self & others, non-judgemental, understanding, not being hung up on the little things. Being upfront & honest with one another. Doing things together & with friends, giving each other space to grow & enjoy whatever it is that one has of interest. No drug use, & an occasional drink is fine. Nothing heavy. Since I do have some respritory problems, no smoking. I really can't stand the smell of it. Trust is very important to me. I'm open to many things, & enjoy many things.
I believe in loving people & using things, not the other way around. I am kind, considerate, accepting, helpfull & these things are important to me in someone else.
When I was young & married with 2 small children, we took a foster girl, a teenage girl. I wanted her to become a member of the family, & she did that. All of these years later she is my big girl, & a true sister to my son. She has a "soul sister" who has also become part of the family. Maybe you can't choose your "blood" relatives, but we have choosen relatives.
I'm grateful for many things, my Mom is 88 & still going strong. I am so grateful for that, she is my best friend. My brother is a great guy, & he too, is grateful for our Mom & is very helpful to her. My son walked away from a death sentence that the Dr.'s gave him, they gave him no chance to live, & he is doing quite well today, 8 years later. We are very close. I'm in reasonalbly good health & for that I am grateful. I'm grateful for the many experience that life has provided me with, & made me stronger & wiser.
My social life consists of playing Euchre once a week at the Senoir Center. I have a very good friend that we enjoy each other at lunch out, or her coming to dinner at my house. We go back
about 37 years, she dated my ex-husband & became very good friends.
I very recently lost another best friend. Dick & I had 7 years of a really great friendship. I miss him dearly, but will always cheerish having known him & being his friend. He was a special guy.
I enjoy my dogs. Anyone in my life must enjoy & respect the animals. A love of animals is key, & I believe is a mark of a good person.
I'm one to get up early & go to bed early. I am not one for the late night life. I never was one to enjoy bars & wild parties. I do not drink or use any illegal drugs. I don't like taking the perscription drugs, although I do take a few perscriptions. Am trying to get off of them.
I enjoy going to Michigan in the summertime to visit family, & my Mom comes here in the winter. I really enjoy her company & we do have fun.
Last summer my son took her & I for a 2 week vacation, starting in Vancouver & then to Alaska for a 7 day cruise & then an inland adventure. It was wonderful. Then we spent many weeks creating a scrapebook & photo album of the trip. I would like to spend a full summer in Alaska.
I was married twice, 13 years to my first husband who was the father to my 2 natural children, & 5 years to the 2nd. Both were alcholics & the experiences were not ones that I will ever experience again.
The second natural child is a girl. She has many issues with me & due to that we have been estranged for over 4 years. She had one child, a son, who is nearly 22 years old. My only naturalg grandchild. I do have 2 grandchildren by my biggest girl. They, too are fully grown, with 3 children between them.
I have lived alone since the early 1980's, but now my son & I have decided to live together for the benefit of us both. We too, are best friends even though we are totally opposites. We have developed a respect, & understanding of each other. Knowing our differences makes our relationship very strong & workable. Acceptance & understanding are key, I believe.
Jealousy is not an acceptable thing for me. It is very destructive.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. My 5 children and their families are very important to me. I'm fortunate to have my 3 daughters live locally. My 2 sons and their families live in Alaska. My children are capable, independent, and all established in their marriages and careers.
I'm grateful for the 46 wonderful years I shared with my husband. I think my friends would call me caring, kind and loyal. I'm quietly outgoing and am a positive and happy person.I love exploring the state and traveling in the states and out of the country. I especially like the performing arts and historical places and architecture. I'm looking for a nice man who shares some of my interests for a friendship. It would be nice to go to a movie, eat dinner together and just have good conversation. If more than friendship resulted, I wouldn't be opposed to marriage. I'm interested in an educated, intelligent, honest gentleman, with a sense of humor.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. My family is very important to me.I have a large family(kids,grandkids and greatgrandkids)So I would want someone that would not be overwhelmd with my large tribe:) I am a very loving person,like to hold hands,hug,ect.Like to show my feelings where ever we might be.So I would want someone that is the same.

Meet people from Arizona, United States. Looking for a companion who likes to travel, and has a great lookout on life. One who knows God and believes he is our Savior. Someone who loves to laugh and enjoys being with people. Someone who would make me smile, and laugh out loud at times. Someone whom I enjoy being with.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. Since I work full time and probably will far into the future, I'm not your typical senior. My family lives closeby and my spare time seems to be spent enjoying their company. Holidays with family and friends are usually spent barbequing and thinking of something unique to prepare. Weekends usually consist of chores or home decorating challenges. Enjoy running to antique stores and yard sales. I like patio time, the sound of wind chimes and water trickling in a fountain. If dining out, ambiance is important to the evening, besides the food. A movie is always good. I enjoy good conversation, reading, quiet time, reflecting. I'm from Michigan, lived in Oklahoma and Colorado. Love Arizona. Because I work full time I have not been able to branch out and discover what I'd do in my spare time. I've traveled to Switzerland, Canada, but primarily near home on short weekend rides. I'm an early riser and always have been. I'm one of five siblings and at one time I was the youngest, oldest, and middle child so my personality is pretty well-rounded :-)
I'm looking for someone who is well-rounded, laughs easily, enjoys being with family and friends, comfortable with all types of people be they rednecks or intellectuals, might still be working or if retired is willing to begin a relationship while I work my way toward retirement and plan a beautiful future together. He is someone that would love to hang out in pajamas on a Sunday morning or go out to breakfast with family or friends, maybe take a drive. He is someone that has his own interests and hobbies while nuturing our relationship. Likes quiet time or entertaining. Can easily shift gears. A happy, wholesome guy.

Meet men and women from United States. I gentle, quiet, happy and have to have a good laugh at least once a day. I am from the old school and hate women with loud mouths and certainly don't want a woman coming to my defense if I need a cop--women are to keep a clean happy home for the family and I took great pride in mine till the floods took it all away. I worked a full time job since I was 16 while raising a family. I enjoy quilting and sewing and reading a good book. I like people but just keep a few close to my heart. A man should be head of the house--handle all the money and pay the bills. I miss someone to share with. It takes a long time to get to know someone well enough to feel really comfortable with. I love my computer and start each morning off with a cup of coffee and reading my emails and listening to the morning news. I will have my daughter take my pic and post it, but in the meantime, please email me. She is in Alaska for a few weeks. Am I ready forthis??