Date women from United States / Alabama / Vandiver, 56 year old

Date someone special from Vandiver, United States. The cover may be a little ragged, but if you open it up the pages are still in good shape.
I lost my husband two years ago after a long illness, and I thought then I was through with this dating stuff. I have decided i'm tired of being lonely so here I am. If your reading this I guess your tired of being lonely as well.
I have three daughters that have their own families. I have six grandchildren that I love dearly, but have decided I need more. I work for an ambulance company and I'm pretty independent. I am not looking for someone to take care of me, I am looking for someone who is capable of taking care of themselves but I would be willing to help if need be. I have been told I am quite a handful at times, but it's all in good fun. I am capable of thinking for myself, but am open to suggestions. That doesn't mean I'll do things differently Just means I'll listen. I am not high maintenance, you don't have to spend your last dollar and promise me your firstborn Thank you very much, I already have my own. I can be just as happy picking up a hamburger as I can going to a fine restaraunt. It's not the money that matters it's the company. I find humor in a lot of things and that sometimes gets me in a little trouble. I have a huge family and I love it. We laugh a lot and we are loud and proud. If you don't like crowds then I'm not right for you, On Holidays we figure the more the merrier, the louder the better. I am not always loud, I do like my quiet time. Maybe reading a book, watching televison, or watching the sunset. Maybe you'd like to watch the sunset with me? I love the fall, college football (Roll Tide) I love the Atlanta Braves. I live by a mountain and I love to go stand on the rock that over hangs and look in the valley. I love the turning of the leaves and the beauty of it all. Maybe I will take you and show you the rock I stand on. Loud and proud at times, quiet and reflective at others. If that appeals to you give me a shout.